Apocalypse Now or simply ‘Apo’ as it is known locally is one of the oldest nightclubs in Saigon dating back to the days when American soldiers were stationed in the city. This is a very foreigner orientated bar but you’ll still get a good mix of tourists, expats and locals dancing the night away to thumping dance, techno and pop tunes. Beware when heading back to your hotel by taxi though. Many of these taxi drivers have “fast meters” installed and will regularly rip off the unwary tourist. You’re better off walking around the corner and grabbing one of the yellow Vinataxi or white Vinasun taxis.
Features & Facilities
- Pool tables
- Food served (some hot food but mainly bar snacks)
Opening Times
8:00pm-2:00am (closing time can vary), 7 days a week
Apocalypse Now
2B Thi Sach Street
District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Contact Details
Telephone: +84 8 3825 6124
Website: apocalypsesaigon.com
Facebook: facebook.com/apocalypsenowsaigon
Foreigner friendly if you like aggressive locals, dirty whores and over-priced drinks. Don’t go there. Trust me. And it does not go back to the “war days”, although it is around 18 yrs old.
This is where the expat, shabu-pat and kitty-kat all meet to see who is cool… and who is a fool! STAY AWAY
Aggressive dirty whores, stay away. A lot of old Europeans make this their nest.
Apocalypse Now?
Why would you go there when your skin color let you in or not? Cover charge is free for white skins and…. 150,000VND for locals! Stay away from that expensive and very old expats place! Come on, Saigon doesn’t only have Apocalypse Now! There is a lot of cool places around.
This sad club is overcrowded and discriminates against its own people, the Vietnamese. Reportedly, it is operated and owned by Vietnamese American(s). How pathetic and un-American to discriminate against their own people. I was furious to see white foreigners with their whores walk right in without having to pay for cover charge while I was demanded to pay 150000 VND (~ 9 USD).
So, if one has any respect for human rights, equality, and decency, one should boycott this club. I am actually looking for any witness to this blatant discrimination to file a complaint against these Vietnamese Americans with the ACLU in the USA. I firmly believe that these people break the oath to uphold the US Constitution.
Shame on those expats who support the existence of such discriminatory practice of Apocalypse Now!!! Where is the pride?
Looking for a clean bar with a lot of atmosphere. Looks like this one is turning into a place for one quick beer just to visit. I think we will try some of the newer places. I appreciate your comments section. I live in Thailand, looking forward to the Vietnam experience.
Apocalypse Now is one of the oldest nightclubs in Saigon dating back to the days when American soldiers where stationed in Saigon.
It opened in the early 1990s.
I was in Saigon in 1970 when it was not and in 1992 when the A had just opened.
Went there last night. At first I was pleasantly surprised by the number of nice looking ladies, but then it occurred to me that they might be “working girls”. I get my share of smiles from the ladies, especially in VN where the locals are more relaxed, but some of the ladies at Apo were *really* trying to make eye-contact.
Let me qualify that by saying that the night before last, I went to a (almost) locals only club (except for me and maybe 3 others) that was recommended by my hotel guy. Don’t know the name, but it’s at the west end of Bui Vien, turn right, about 1/2 block up. Beautiful local guys and gals, but be prepared for deafeningly loud music. I think I lost a couple frequencies of hearing from my time there. I got a few smiles there, too. Nice place, but not really my thing – I was actually looking for a ‘locals’ bar, not a club. Kinda pricey, too.
I have been there for last 4 weeks. There was a sign at the reception saying that entry ticket is 150,000 dong and I noticed that nobody actually bought any ticket (maybe they have changed due to complaints). In general, it’s a foreigner friendly bar and is crowded, which I like. The drink is quite expensive (1 bottle of Corona is 90,000 dong) but, as far as I know, drinks in all good bars in Saigon are very expensive. If you are after gay friendly bars or after hot chics, then this is the good one.
Prostitutes, gays, discriminates against Vietnamese people.
Expensive ticket…….
Music is so so, some is so classic just like ages ago!
Always so crowded, my last decision if no places to go anymore!
Apocalypse Now was FUN, except for the drunk, fat white girls who push everybody out of the way, just because they don’t get any attention. Only white women behave like this is Asia. Never had a Asian gal push me out of the way.
Good music, drinks are a bit expensive, yes, but sill had a good time.
Yes there are many “working girls” that frequent the place. If that bothers you, don’t go. If you want a western oriented place, it’s ok. As far as discriminating against their own – there is a reason. Because of the working girls and the generally lax moral atmosphere there, the government has a watchful eye on the place and has threatened to close it several times. This place has a noticeable contingent of stern looking guards inside and out. The reason is mostly not for the misbehaving Westerners but for the misbehaving Vietnamese. The feeling is that if a Vietnamese gets into trouble the government might just shut them down. Whereas there is a much more blind eye towards foreigners. If you are in the area it could be worth a visit unless you are on a tight budgeted cultural tour. A polite “no thank you” to the girls always worked for me. By the way, Korea has its “international bars” (meaning no Koreans) and Japan has its Japanese only establishments.
is a place SOSO but be attention inside are much girls steal !!!!!!
Wow what negative reports. Have been 5 yars agon in HCM, but I felt also the place is too commercialised now. Where is the ‘betterpalce’ to go now ? Greez Andy – European but frequent in Asia
This place is certainly not worth visiting at all. No atmosphere or decor. Music too loud you could not talk to a decent girl if you wanted too. The doormen are very friendly and are very willing to give tips on where else to go in town. Girls here are arrogant and expensive as are the drinks. Gestapo type security guards everywhere watching everyone. Not worth the trip. Plenty more places to visit.
Its good place with good Drink: Long island ice tea….But many work girls…
i am going to vietnam in october, would it be a nice and safe place speciallly at nightlife….
are the girls/boys trustworthy?
if they ask moneys to go into the door, fuck it….. why pay to enter the door?
why should we come to a place where it againts to it own people? you can come in and pay or not depend on your skin color?? it is not the only one to go to isnt it?
I took a cab there last night, about 2.00 American from hotel. Escorted right in. A male server got me a table and waited on me hand over foot. Very friendly, good fast music, beautiful women. I had 5 beers, two games of pool, bought 2 T-Shirts and talked to beautiful women all for 30.00 US. The Gestapo security is there to Protect You. Be careful coming out of the club. About 50 taxis trying to get your business along with whores.
Living there since 6 month, and “Apo” is still my favorite place…
Don’t go in this club if you don’t like music and girl… and crowded… sorry but i like “apo” for that!
It used to be a great place with a good mix. Always interesting. Yes, a large expat community hangs out there. I went every weekend for years but after seeing too many dirty, unfair fights I have decided to go else where.
Trust me I know many of the staff and they are there to protect the clubs interests only. Saigon is one of the safest places I know for tourists but stay clear of that place unless you like that sort of thing.
Everyone seems to be slagging this place off…could someone some good clubs to go to in Saigon???
Good place where foreigners meet and drunk and go home with each other. Locals go there too and friendly place. Quite a few pros there though. Me and my mate picked thought we picked up these two hot chicks and started grinding them they even gave us drinks till they told me they were hookers! Then when we backed off they wanted us to pay em for the drinks we had and for their time. When we refused they said they would get security involved and hassled us for at least a drink cos we weren’t gonna pay em. They eventually gave up as we went upstairs. Picked up some local chicks afterwards… They love grinding!!!
Good venue but spoiled by lousy management and some lousy Yanks and foreigners…
I walked in free of charge as an Asian expat but my Vietnamese colleagues (2 gals and 2 guys) got to pay the cover charge – bloody discriminating…
Nonetheless, paid for my Vietnamese colleagues and went in. Got a table at the outdoors and was preparing to enjoy the evening with some hard liquor only to see 2 bloody Yanks trying to pick on my female Vietnamese Chinese colleague inspite of the presence of us guys around the table. She rejected and ignored them only for the Yanks to make racist slurs towards my male Vietnamese staff. To avoid trouble, I have to move our table to another at a corner. But seriously, if these 2 Yanks do this in Singapore, I’ll bloody make them pay for their racist comments… =(
Mark: try out America at Windsor Hotel down in District 5 or if your cup of tea is to sit back and listen to some live bands, 17 Saloon at 103A Pham Ngu Lao St in District 1 isn’t too bad… =)
This bar is great.. but you must realise that the beautiful girls that greet you actually have to pay the management $25US if they take a western man out of the place.
That is why the girls always start asking you for $100.
You can get them down to $70 and you must then pay for a hotel room. It makes for an expensive night.
I feel so terribly sorry for the girls. i chatted to many of them. they don’t tell their folks that they are classy prostitutes.
They find that this work style is too good financially not to do. They can earn 10 times more here a month than working any where else.
They are happy if they can take a man out a few times a week.
They are very beautiful. Most are very sweet girls. They love their families and help them out. they sacrifice themselves to stop their families from suffering the dredful poverty
i agree with the guy who complained about fat white women being rude..GOD if you look like that !!!!! what they are doing here who knows they should be farming potatoes in Iowa
I’ve been there several times and I really like it. I strongly recommend!
I must agree with you guys, once I got the tip to go there and couldn’t believe anyone enjoy it there. The point for the whores is definitely right. To have a drink ok but its definitely no nice area. Much nicer clubs are all over Ho Chi Minh City.
Plain and simple it’s a place to pick up whores. If you are into that, go there. If not, run fast in the opposite direction.
I’ve lived in VN for 15 years, am a 40 yo straight guy and have these comments.
1. They have to charge locals a cover or the place would be overun. VK and local guys have plently of places to go for free so accept it.
2. This is a place for tourists and newby guys that cannot speak VN and don’t know their way around. It is what it is, pay for play, like shooting fish in a barrell but it serves it’s purpose.
3. I love to hear these morons write nonesense like they know what they are talking about, i.e. its not owned by a VK its owned and always has been by a local. Any woman that tells you she has to pay 25 to the owner if she goes with a white guy is either pulling your dumb ass chain or you just have Asian short dick syndrom and don’t like to see Vns girls go with white guys so you have to make up that story.
3. The girls there are B team at best, bottom of the barrell. Kind of a place where old hookers go to die, like Vegas in the states. If you want better looking girls, go to 49 bar or any of the bars on Hai Ba T street. Its pay for play but the mama controls the girls so they are less likely to rip you off.
4. This place is also full of fags, VN and western. No issue with gay people but I dont like to go to a club where there are a bunch of fags negotiating on how much for a suck job. I’d rather just go where they are not around, i.e 49 or any of those bars. There is no reason for the pink team members to go into these places.
5. Last but not least, be carefull! Apo is full of thieves, junkies and people that have no issue with stealing everything you have. Don’t take taxis outside apo period, go to HBT street and get a legit taxi from Sheraton hotel or you will be cheated or worse, that is a guarentee.
6. Do not act tough if you get in a beef with any vns in APO. Apologise and WALK AWAY. In the many years I’ve been here, I have seen countless westerners beaten, knifed, slashed and almost killed by the taxi mafia or pimps outside. Bottomline, don’t even think about fighting, I dont care how tough you are you will lose. I have seen Marines, MMA champions and pro boxers get there faces bashed in by teams of littel brown fuckers with sticks bricks bottles, knives, razors etc. Trust me on this, dont do it.
Good luck.
Hello peoples,
Welcome to my Vietnam, Hope you all havingfun and learn more about My country.
I also believe on Tim comment, I know this place very well. Always careful with the Apo area! If you like to having fun then stay clean and be smart to know what u are doing. Dont messing around with those …place or peoples.
But Apo also fun!
Tim – You are the MAN! Way to lay it out there! I heard a lot about Apo and was thinking about heading there tonight, but you helped make up my mind. Thanks for that!
I’m 5 months new in HCMC, sitting at home in PMH/D7 this afternoon, trying to figure out where to go this evening. I planned to head to D1 as a change from the nearby walking-distance places; quiet is nice but I need a little more vibe on occasion.
I’m mid 50’s, not looking for a lay (free or pay) but just a good time in a lively place, decent music, pool table, ladies for talk/pool/drink, don’t care about the prices, and an easy/safe taxi when I’m totally shit-faced and ready to head back home.
I don’t know much about the city and have been spending most time at work or traveling for work. Settling down/in now and ready to take more in. Any advice/suggestions are appreciated!
Cam on!
I’ve started to go there 4 years ago and everything was stunning withing the mix and the atmosphere was stunning…. For me it was a nice place to go with friends and have some drinks after a long- week working. It helped a lot. There are many other clubs in Saigon but I never go there coz so many( working girls) I don’t mean Apo is good but it’s much better than other ones in Saigon.
The securities there always protect you from the whores!! Trust me… I can’t even kiss my boyfriend in there haha.. But I respect that.
Well, if some of you don’t like Apo then should find another bar to go in Saigon.. Which is good music i bet there are so many… But the worse thing is… More WHORES IN THERE! YOU CAN’T GET OFF. ” between Scylla and Charybdis”
I think that depends on you, I know it’s been changed by the ( working girls there and not only them but the westerners who also looking for some fun)
But I don’t care… “Just go there and enjoy the music, F&B and your buddies.”
Tim just about summed it all up I’m a regular down there for the past few years,you can go there there for a regular night out ,but lets not beat around the bush the majority of girls there are the working kind ,so if your not sure get it out of the way early either say no no ,or neg a fair price normally 1 mill around 50 bucks , if not move on . Music is ok I think ,a nice outdoor area to chill ,nice staff overall I recommend it for a fun night out.
Close this third world bar and its rounding… end of the story.
Love the ladies in HCMC. The bar is too pricey and getting too crowded. Not enough dance floor space and too many security guards that comes near to you or tell you to shift inner or to the left or to the right if you are into common grounds like the walkway to the main door. Too many working girls trying to hook you up and get free drinks!!!
Accept Apo for what it is… I have lived in Saigon for over 10 years and there is no where else like it in the City.
I dont agree with cover charges for some people and not for others but there is a reason for it. Remember this club is a business and most of the VN men and women who visit it are also in business ! No all but most.
Most working women or men are there for a reason and hate what they do but have families to support and they are sacrified for the sake of the greater family.
It is a place where middle aged men feel comfortable can enjoy the music, drinks, women and dance…and if they want take a girl home. Sure they have to pay for the drinks and other costs but they all know that up front. I have only seen one fight in there in 10 years and some close ones …but it is always the same..some young gun thinks he is clever and takes on the world…usually because he has no idea about life and does not understand how it works.
The guards are very good and never get in your way, they are there to make sure the police do not get involved and to protect you. They also stop many girls from coming in who they believe have caused problems in the past or who have been reported for stealing in the past.
I have never had anthing stolen from any girl I have taken out of Apo. But it is a different story elsewhere.
There are many other clubs and bars that discriminate against middle aged men (made to feel stupid and unwelcome – Go 2 for example) and visitors.
Choose the place that is right for you and keep out of places you dont understand and too young to appreciate.
Apo is a great place to go, full of atmosphere and people having a great time, where no one cares what you do as long as you dont cause trouble. I agree with Tim above…if you get into trouble ALWAYS walk away or pay the drinks bill !!
Each to their own taste and each of us can enjoy the place that suits us.
Life is never perfect so accept the market positioning that Apo has and have a great time as I always do…if it is not for you then dont go there !!
I went there twice in my recent travels to HCMC. It is a fun place to enjoy a few beers and chat with the ladies. I thought the music was decent and everyone was having a good time. I talked to a few of the ladies there and indeed they are all ‘working’. It depends what you are looking for in a bar. I see no reason why you can’t enjoy yourself here.
I fully share Jack and John comments.
I ve been there several time, and all of us, we know why we are going over there.
Staff people are very nice, of course, im a wellet for them, this is business, and I have nothing against that. I accept the rules, I know what I can have, and I enjoyed a lot. APO is done for tourist, owner is doing everything for that. It s cool and fun.
I had an hotel 10mn walk from APO, and I never got any trouble going back to my hotel with anybody on the street. I was maybe lucky. lol
has anyone seen some fucked up white bald guy here? if yes let’s talk.
I did enjoy last night at Apo.
I only have one matter is that it was too small, and dirty. I was almost fell on the floor several times because of the water and the lemon peel.
I was at APO three nights ago just trying to look for a good place with music, girls(non pros) etc. Anyway I found the place ok apart from a few white folk, obviously expats.
I was just minding my own business and anyway a girl(average looking) joined my table and after small talk insinuated she was not local and not a pro but travelling as i was. We talked more, I was drinking beers, she on water and I had to use the bathroom a few times and asked her to watch my beer.
At closing hour we chatted outside and she decided to come back with me to my hotel which is a short walking distance.
Nothing happened I tried but she wasnt game and anyway I just flaked out as she wasnt exactly good looking. In the morning I woke up with a severe head ache(not my average hangover) and asked her to leave as I really just wanted to be alone and rest as I was feeling terrible. To cut a long story short, she went CRAZY screaming and threatening me with a glass tumbler about to smash my face in unless I pay her $100!!!(She had been on the phone to a guy a few minutes earlier after I asked her to leave.)
Anyway to prevent problems I paid her and got her out of my room. Since then I have had a terrible fever, vomiting, diarreha, nausea and am only just recovering. Could she have spiked my beers?
I decided to cut my holiday short and headed back to Bangkok where I feel a lot safer.
Apo is a nice bar, a great bar, expat friendly, great music, a ‘leave your pretenses at the door and come as you are’ atmosphere. In reading all these comments I’m amazed how many people have negative thoughts on the place. I’ve never seen a fight there, the security folks are respectful and keep it very safe, I’ve never known of anyone losing their wallet or personal possessions. Bottom line, I know of no better place in the city to go if you like loud thumping music and want to have a relaxing but energetic time. I’ve had several people, both locals and other expats, buy me drinks purely out of niceness. The server boys walking round the place are fast and accurate, the girls behind the bar very pleasant and fun to chat it up with, and the pool table is flat/accurate. Open until 2 weekdays, 3 weekends. . . . GREAT FUN!~!~! What more can I say?
I’ve been to Apo a few times in my first two months in HCMC and especially enjoy the outside area where it is possible to get a bit away from the music and generally good atmosphere.
However, as some of you complain about too, most of the girls there are there for a reason – like most tourist/expat men, I guess.
However, I can get prostitutes back in England, so that’s not really what I’m interested in.
I do love the Vietnamese girls though – they are so hot. Can you recommend anywhere I can meet some nice local girls? How to approach them, etc… what’s the best way to pull them?
Thanks, Peter
I live and work in Vn for 8 years and I agree with what Tim says. I have been to Apo many times and its nice place to have a few drinks and some fun. However its cater more towards foreigner with a more relax atmosphere. Unlike local dance club where the music is extremely load and very techno.
If you are looking for girls to pickup, the bars along Hai Ba Trung street is better because the girls work there and have someone to manage them. You will be safer and not likely to get rip off, especially for those who are new with Saigon. The girls here are generally younger, and better looking and can speak some English. There are also karaoke bars in Hotel where you can also book the girls. Its more expensive, but you have more choices.
Generally, it can be risky to pick up girls at clubs / disco because these girls are freelancer hence there is a chance they may steal your money, spiked your drinks etc. Unless off course you are familiar with the area and its environment.
Hi, Guys!
I’ll visit Saigon for few days. First I thought to visit Apo at first night to pick up a local girl. But now I see that there are also plenty of other spots in HCMC for this in bars along Hai Ba Trung street . And even cheaper but the same safe for a lone tourist. I heard that in Vietnam it is prohibited to come with a such local girl inside of the hotel where you live.
Is it correct?
I have been Apo many times to took my customers and sometimes my friends there. I don’t know why many people like come to there. May be because girls. And its be habit. Last time, I come to there. And when I was finding my friends table. A guy asked me to go to hotel. Oh my God, can’t accpet. What do he think? All Vietnamese girls at there are working-girls. I must aksed helped from security. I don’t like DJ too. Just played old music.
I think foreingers come there only for girls.
Apo is great for music, a relaxed atmosphere, and a good time!! I can think of no better place to go in HCMC if you’re an expat and want to hear good solid “DJ” style music. . . if you want live music go to 23Bar at the sheraton . . . . all in all, it’s my fave place to go in the city!!
I’ve been in Apo for tree times…is a good place ..but only for to find working girls, i hope the police close this club as soon as possible
Hi I’m Canadian and going to be in Saigon for a week or so.
I read all the comments about Apocalypse and it sounds like it’s full of prostitutes and pretty aggressive.
I’m not looking to pick up prostitutes or anything like that, but I’d like a place that’s pretty friendly to foreigners. I’d like a place where i can flirt with some girls and have a good time but nothing serious.
I read a lot of people bashing Apocalypse but they’re not offering alternative.
Any suggestions?what’s an alternative to go?
i am Vietnamese girl and all my friends like to come apo when we have specal day. but so hate cos we always buy bottele whicky but they keep ask buy ticket . and not all girl there they working. so dont worry . just have fun! even not good and wait one day will have another bar better and we can changer.
I went there twice a week in the last 2 months, enjoyed the music (too loud), dancing floor (very crowed), drinks (not too expensive compared to other bars in SG), food (so so), decor (not bad, nothing special though), and people (up to what you expect, you can find all kinds of people).
The staff is friendly, the guards are a bit strict but they just do their job. I had a funny experience when once I went to Apo alone (to wait for a friend coming soon), the guard asked me to buy the coupon 300,000 Vnd which I’d never heard before when I had been with friends. Gosh, 300,000 Vnd = 5 Tigers, after those beers I would be pissed. So I went outside to wait, few minutes later certainly some guys came and spoke to me, they kindly offered to take me inside for nothing. I found it funny, sooner or later a girl would be able to enter without that unreasonable coupon, didn’t know what they have to do that for. Althought more than one of their customers told me “If Apo didn’t allow girls to be in, nobody would go there”, I respect their rule and hope they will apply it in a right way.
I could easily recognise many familiar girls whom I saw them with their different partners every night, I would say most people go to Apo to fish and to be fished. That’s the fact. But for the rest of us, Apo is such an interesting place to relax and have fun with friends or colleagues. When you go there alone, of course you will be the spotlight for working girls, accepting them or not is totally your choice, and when a girl like me was there alone, I was usually welcome by “do you want to go to my hotel?”. However, I met some very interesting friends and had non-stop conversations. After all, it was just fun.
For now, I admit some nights I miss Apo’s friendly atmosphere, no one cares what you do even if they may ask, it’s worth releasing stress. For newbies, I think we shouldn’t hesitate, we couldn’t know whether we like it or not until we try it once at least. Besides, I collected some other interesting addresses where I will explore more such as:
– Night clubs: Lush, Lavish, Bounce, Fuse, Q bar, X club…
– Restaurant + bar: La Habana, Le Pub, Wildhorse…
– Bars: Saigon Saigon, Acoustic, Alibi, Pacharan, Number 5, Moon bar, Stormy…
They all have strong and weak points, it’s absolutely up to what you’re looking for, but what is life if we hesitate to experience? Maybe someday we’ll meet each other somewhere above, who knows?!? Good luck and enjoy Saigon!
Who said all the girls at Apo are working girls? Mind whatever you say. I visit Apo recently on Sat and I like the music there. Just have drink and dance with my friends. No where and one one is perfect 😀
I’ve been to the club on three occasions with my friends. Personally, I like it. I had no problems with the security, waiter or the people within the club. I like the music there. It’s a good place to have fun, let loose with your friends. Enjoy the club, if not just find another one!!
I went the other night and yea there’s a lot of security but it wasn’t a problem for me. I went thinking that it would be a place where troops during the American War in Vietnam and it’s not. They were selling t-shirts dated 2006 celebrating 15 years of being open. The only thing connecting it to the war is a movie name and prostitutes. The place is a dive and I didn’t come 14,000 to drink in a shitty place. The design is black and red. That’s it. Much better places around town. I guess that’s what you get for naming a club after a crummy movie. Spend your dong at Go2 bar or almost anywhere else. Kinda wants me to make an war themed bar just to show them how it’s done haha.
There is not another place in the city I would recommend, to either a visitor or a working expat (unless you like live music). Very safe and lively atmosphere, good dancable music, a pool table, tables you sit at, standing tables close to the dance floor, packed after 1100hrs any night of the week !! Other than playing pool at a large pool hall close to Ben Thanh market, this is my fave place to go with vendors or coworkers for a beer at the end of the day. To each his own, I love the music and the lively atmosphere.
Apo is Apo, if you are looking for some decent music in HCMC and a bit of fun,it is still the best place to go,
I have been here for a while and it’s has been one of the few places I keep going back to, yes it is quite full of “working girls”, but there is also a fair bit of game available there.
What has stopped me since 2 weeks to go there is that there is the 150 k VND entrance fee now, which I haven’t paid in the last 1.5 year, but is now being enforced, sorry, I do not intent to pay his and will spend my money on better things.
I went here on New Years Eve and had an amazing time. The music was updated and current and the crowd was just fun. It would be nice if they had a dance floor upstairs but otherwise everyone was really welcoming. Definitely a place to go too if you’re looking to have a few drinks and let loose. A very casual evironment!!!
Hey guys,
dont get crazy because of safety. HCMC and the Apo-Bar is not more or less dangerous than in other cities too. I would say I feel more safer in HCM than n Europe.
Besides, I engaged a street-fight some evening with a couple of people. I was laughing how harmless the result was …..
Very Good sound system recently upgraded. Just upgaraded all their disco lightings. Taxi services outside is FUTURE Taxi – reliable. Better to buy a bottle cost about 1’800’000 with your water or soft drinks. Can keep bottle for a month. Sit and party near the DJ console, NOT all girls there are working girls
Visited ho chi min in feb 2011 i went to 6 clubs, this one is average, many working girls, which is not a problem to me..if they are sexy!!! these where not!!! It’s ok if you are hungry..nice hot dogs inside.. anyhow, best music and hot girls are at lush, best working girls are at go2 bar
Well…. Apo has nice music sometimes but too much working girls and whats a shame when u saw the look “Is she a whore, too???” from others to u although ur not. love clubbing but not any girls is working girl. and they looked at ur skin, ur clothing, ur look to charge u. they charged me 300.000VND/ticket (was about $17 USD) and the working girls ARE Free. whats the F? Never go back this bar. What a shame for Vietnamese girl who love music, love dancing like us???
Sounds like a cunt of a place to me.
fuck all that guy ! all the girl play in apo not at all working girl there !fuck all guy!
APOCALYPSE!!! Wow! the sound of the name gives you the impression it’s a great club to hang out. BUT when you are there then you will know it. It’s the worst club any tourist should go unless you are WHITE!!! Me as a Asian & 100% foreigner finds the club is RACIST. The service given to non-whites are like being treated worse than whores but the WHITES the service staff can even lick their ASS!!! WHY???? Don’t we pay the bills & you think the whites tip well??? Don’t be surprise the tips I give when I am please….. So non-whites just stay out of this Unspeakable club. Take my advise!!!
One word SLEAZY. It’s not a club, its more of a sleazy pub with hookers, pimps, junkies. It’s funny because prostitution is illegal in VN, I think the cops must get freebies for not closing this place down. Also some pimps call the police to follow their girl to the tourists hotel – tourist scam to bust them $$$. Go there if you like hanging out with scum/gutter trash/low lifes. There are nightclubs, there are bars and there are pubs and then there are shitholes. This is one of them.
Go to Apo! if you are not a snob and a bit openminded you will have a great time! There a prostitutes of some kind in almost every bar in Saigon. In my experience they don’t hassle you at all. If you approach them then it may be a different story. In Apo it is a club type atomosphere with a more pub style decor. 2 dancefloors upstairs/downstairs, pool tables and a seating area that you can escape the loudness for a while if you need to (something many other clubs don’t have.) The security are friendly and there are a good mix of foreigners/locals(some working, many not) Fun vibes and cheap drinks/good service are the order of the night there. If you are looking for this kind of place you will love Apo (I did). If you want something else, (more exclusive, expensive places or stricly club style,) then go somewhere else. P.S. many of the vietnamese local style night clubs force you to basically stay with the people you came with at one table and not approach anyone else at other tables, even just to chat and even if they want you there! Apo does not follow this annoying practice.
I have been in Saigon since early Januray and just came across this page, some of the comments i understand are very old so maybe it was different then but i would like to give you a current perspective of Apo.
1.I am asian and not white, i have however found no discrimination at all. If at all the staff are friendly and so are the bouncers although i have never seen anyone being kicked or punched by the security. I am here a minimum three days a week so i would know!
2.Prostitutes – sure you get them like at most clubs, if you dont want anything to do with them stay away and they will take no for an answer. If you get piss drunk and keep nodding away and glancing away they will come for a drink. You have to be dilusional to think you dont have to spend for the drink if you keep yapping away when she’s on the clock.
3.Covercharges – Yes they charge 150kvnd for entrance Friday and Saturday only, it’s demand and supply. If you dont want to go it’s cool, there are plenty of other people who love this place and will line up to pay and get in. Besides you get a drink for it which is not watered down like the rest of the places.
This is charged universally whether you be a local or a foreigner, this is not something new to APO most clubs do the same around the world.
4.Music – They play the popular numbers and can be predictable at times but i keep going back as i feel safe and i know i wont get jipped.
5.This is no artsy fartsy club for snobs and makes no pretentions to be one, it’s got simple decor. The emphasis is on the music and service. I doubt there is any club in the world no matter how packed you can get an order in less than 10 minutes.
6. Tip well if you can (it really isnt a lot of money) – people appreciate it and it’ the nice thing to do if you’re happy with the service.
1.Dont try to dance on the tabel or stools, it’s not allowed. They will bring you down.
2.TLC is not allowed although they turn a blind eye on the odd smack or two. Full on making out is not allowed.
3.Be aware of drunk backpackers trying to steal your bottle, if you must go away from the table when you have bottle service ask a friend or a waiter to keep an eye (happened to me twice all foreigners, locals dont pull that kind of cheap stunt).
4.Start or get involved in a fight – i have not seen any big one’s just minor altercations and the bouncers will deal with them (they are every where!) ask them for help.
5.Video camera’s are frowned upon.
All in all, great place to hang and have a good time and extremely safe. Enjoy Saigon.
I’m a blond haired and blue-eyed caucasian and I remember being cover-charged on several occasions. Other times I wasn’t – those times it seemed a lot less crowded. I went there with my Thai girlfriend but a few bystanders seemed to think that she was my “escort”. Oh well, just like the bigoted remarks from TIM above, people are going to think and say whatever they want.
One disappointment was that I did not notice many gay clientele (aside from a few). Dance clubs are always a lot more fun when there is a nice mix of straight and gay. Maybe I didn’t show up on the right nights. Anyway I don’t regret going and will probably go back again next time.
Great! if you into $2 whores……!!!!!
sono stato per un mese a saigon per lavoro e o frequentato APO diverse volte è un posto stupendo per chi ama divertirsi e conoscere donne! credetemi anche se non sei bello ti fanno sentire belli! si ci sono belle donne che lavorano ma se ti va ci vai altrimenti una chicchierata una birra musica ebasta! io lo consiglio e saluto una ragazza Th…….
While the apo can seem like a fun bar to the average tourist, it has very aggressive male and female prostitutes. One time I was approached by a very aggressive male one who said his name was Josh who tried to convince me to come over to his apartment and hang out with him and and alluded to me having sex with his very attractive female friend of his. Like most things, that sound to good to be true this was scetchy and he seemed to be coming on to me. He also insisted I go alone assuming that I was new in town. Beware!
I experienced a similar situation recently. That place is a real dive and you can never be too careful when it comes to things like that.
#@Long Duck Dong: please introduce me to the $2 whores……!!!!!
The whores are in the $100 bracket, but I don’t agree that they are B team!
i have visted saigon last feb and i’ve been invited to Apocalypse through a VN gals, it was very atmospheric and i liked it, it says thats this is the oldest one in HCMC.
I went to APO 3 months back , didnt have any problems. Decor similar to Heart of Darkness in PP. Felt quite safe there, unlike Heart.
Saw a mixture of westerners and locals.
Some local gals had bottle at their table and shared some drinks with us and didnt ask us for anything. I suspect they were working, but had the night off.
About paying covers, clubs allover asia is the same. Sometime you have to pay what is stated, sometime can avoid if go in with the right group. The cover comes with drink anyway, so is not too bad.
When in Goa, India, locals are charged high cover and foreigners free, because some locals wont spend too much and can cause problems if drunk.
Cover charges in developing countries are often used to screen out people who have limited funds, period.
So what if they discriminate about who pays the cover? How many clubs you been to where you queue for an eternity and some local cuts the queue and gets in right away. Life isnt always fair!
Had a bit of issue when I left APO and took taxi to Go2Bar with other expat and a few local gals, when went to get out of the taxi, when I opened my passenger door, motorbike passing by on the curbside door got knocked over. Some locals seemed quite unfriendly and menacing to me, even though not my fault, and I tried to see if the motorbike guy was ok, since I ride a bike myself elsewhere. Luckily a kind local told us to take off quickly and we walked away. A few locals tried to stop us but we were able to keep walking and they did not follow.
SO, too sum it up, dont be afraid to go APO if you are tourist, quite fun. Is humrous to be in a bar named Apocolypse Now and partying with locals long after Vietnam War is over.
Use your common sense, dont leave ur drinks unattended, be careful who you leave with and if have issue with local, apologize and walk away.
If you dont like seeing working gals, then dont party in a popular place full of expats in Asia. Anywhere the money is, people with less money will go to try and get some. Just do your own thing and have a good time !
Vietnam forget about it ….Its a total Fucking waste of time and money..
Nasty people and will fuck you one way or another…
@jimmy: wow,really?…keep your rude comments by yourself&dont blame such a beautiful country because you’re a dickhead.
now to the club. YES they are a lot of prostitutes but who cares?…I’m in Germany and we have almost the same thing over here, just that the girls are into soldier- so what? let them be!…
i went to to apo like 5-6 times in several years &like it…you can have a great night of with your friends, even though its a bit pricey.
Went to Apo tonight after reading all the above comments. The place was completely mixed with locals and western. Music was decent and very modern.. chart electronic music with good DJs. A few hookers around for sure as the night got on.. after midnight an increase in that department.
I expected a seedy place with terrible decor and dodgy types… This just wasnt the case at all. In fact this felt like one of the safest and most mixed crowd places I have seen for a while… (and I travel alot). Absolutely nothing to be afraid of, and I would expect most people to have a good time.
I was surprised to see many local couples, groups of guys, and yes.. groups of girls that were definitely not hookers. Go to any disco in Eastern Europe and you will see more hookers than here, but there are for sure some here if thats what you are looking for.
On this night there would be more western girls here than Vietnamese I would say.
Exiting the club I didnt really even notice any of the ‘taxi mafia’.. and just around the corner is a rank of reputable taxis. Beers were 90,000 dong.. which really isnt that much considering there was no cover charge (week day) and its a decent disco.
Incidentally.. earlier I went to Lush (ladies night)… even the bouncer there told me that it wasnt busy and showed me his count of 10 people in there… He actually recommended that I go to Apo, and called over a meter taxi for me.
While the place is not really one of my favourite clubs in the world, it certainly is decent.. and I just cant understand some of the really negative comments above. Everyone in the place was having a really great time.. dance floor was crowded from 10pm and people mixing and really enjoying.
im a vietnamgirl,sometimes i like to come here have fun with my friends,,price is cheap( sometimes need to buy ticket)and nice music,,but we always have invitations from mans,that made us feel bad,,i felt as we are whores,
shit load of hookers couldnt tell which ones are local girls
I have lived here on and off for 5 years. Only been to Apo twice.
Most of the above comments are true….for good and bad!… yes its a pick up joint, so anyone that goes there, expect to see whores, drunks, fat ugly expats, loud music, …and maybe still have a good time….. As I said… Ive been there 2 times….once great night…once shit night…for various reasons.
I see A LOT of people above say dont go there….there are better bars to go to…… so WHAT ARE THE OTHER BARS?
Why bother saying then then not saying the alternatives?
There really isnt that much choice in HCMC….
Yes..a few disco/night clubs…like LUSH, GOSSIP etc…..loud DOOF DOOF music and very expensive drinks…..
Happy to read from others about alternative places………….
I have no idea what the negative people are talking about. I guess some people just like to be negative. The place is unpretentious, but not in the least bit seedy, and quite middle of the road in terms of decor and vibe. I go to all the fancier clubs – Lush, Gossip, Velvet – but keep on coming back to this one. Something about the fun freewheeling vibe – combined with cool people – is infectious. Everyone is having a good time and no one really gives a shit and bothers to be pretentious, but the girls are still pretty cute – not significantly worse than the fancy clubs – and the people not especially seedy. This is a rare combination. Usually the fancier clubs get the pick of the girls and better people, but not so much in this case.
There is absolutely no violent vibe in this club. Everyone seems relaxed and happy and having a good time. I’ve been there about 10 times in the past 3 weeks, never have I witnessed violence nor even felt a tense atmosphere, nor seen violent type characters. The staff is friendly and prompt, but I always tip them 10,000 Dong (50 cents), and bouncers are everywhere, in large numbers.
Lots of happy people who just like to party in a simple and unpretentious place that still isn’t seedy or run down or violent. The music is regular pop stuff till later in the night, when they start to play hard dance or house and everyone gets on the dance floor and just rocks- love it 🙂
I don’t see too many fat disgusting older man types, what I DO see are well dressed professional types – often older – who seem quite normal and well behaved, and are obviously paying for some female company. These guys are both Asian and Western. If you are new to Asia and subscribe to the usual Western silliness about sex, this might seem shocking to you, but in Asia this is perfectly normal and accepted. Get used to it if you plan on spending any time in Asia. It’s quite harmless and deeply rooted in the culture.
Yes, there are tons of hookers and it’s not always easy to tell who is and who is not, but the hookers tend to generally be much more forthcoming and upfront than the regular girls, who are more reticent and reserved, though still quite open to being approached. If you’re an older guy, and a cute young girl is staring you down – hooker. If you’re a younger guy, it’s more a gray area, but generally if she is quite upfront and aggressive, could be a hooker. Don’t worry, though – if she wants money, she will tell you soon into the interaction!
Lots of normal girls come here to party too – it’s about a 50/50 mix.
Enjoy! One of the best clubs in Saigon.
I was there as recent as Xmas 2012. I thought I’d check it out because I heard it mentioned so much. I had to pay cover charge – 150K, it comes with one free drink on a Saturday night, but was surprised I didn’t have to on Sunday night.
Just like any other bar, there was a dance floor, though small, but then it’s not a nightclub. There were plenty of working girls. I was there for 2 consecutive nights and there were repeated customers. Saturday night was definitely more packed, Sunday night not so much and the upstairs floor was closed.
Not all ladies there were working girls, but most were. I’ve seen many foreign and local ladies there who came to have a good time. The working girls didn’t seem to bother any one, except for some ladies who were not. I know, I flirted with one and offended her. It’s kind of hard to tell some times because some working girls are discreet, some give you the look, some are just inviting, but I didn’t see any one being pushy. It was pretty much like a meat market. You come, you see, you buy what you like. It’s a place where boy meets girl, just like any other bar.
I talked to some of the working girls. Just like the merchants of Ben Thanh, they would like to sell you something. If you like what you see, bargain. If you don’t, just say no or show no interest and they don’t bother you any more. They’d rather move on to the next potential customer than wasting time with you. The price can vary from one girl to another, but it generally starts at 1M ($50 USD). One of the girls told me they prefer western customers because they don’t bargain and Asian guys or guys who speak fluent Vietnamese like myself generally raise a flag because there is a risk that they could be under cover cops. But money talks. Every guy in there is young and looks handsome to them.
You don’t need to look fancy. I’ve seen people in there in tank tops, some guys look like they just came from the gym – with gym bag strapped on their shoulders. There were many guards, but they didn’t bother any one, unless you’re a trouble maker. I struck a conversation with one of them. He was just a working guy, trying to make a living, though not much. He revealed that some of the girls can make in one night as much as he does in a month. I gave him $20 bill at the end of the night, and he was very grateful.
Apo (as the locals call it), is just like any other bar any where in the world. Except for the number of working girls. Many of them do bar hopping, so I’m sure other bars in Saigon are pretty much the same. But here, come as you are, they seem content to just be a place where you come to drink, dance, and be merry.
Apo ! the place that never lets VS down .Always great music ,great vibe and great drink and amazing managerment .We love Minh ! We love Ton ! (Xoxo Asma )
Dear Apocalypse Now .This is only my second time here ,but it feels very welcome seems open friendly -staff very responsible and fun .I live in many different places – Canada,Dubai,Shanghai _HCM Always seems like a fun pleace and very affordable
Love the staff and security here. Particularly the food (sausage and pork ribs). Wish Apo will not discriminate again local by charging cover the music is great and atmosphere is fun (Sean Chen).
Apo ! the place that never lets us down .Always great music, and great drink and amazing managerment .We love Minh ! We love Tom ! (Asmaa)
The price are pretty good . I like the music , a lot of music that was popular in the USA 1970/1980 .It is a nice place to append a couple of hours when you are in HoChiMinh City, the waiter staff is very good and the club is in a convenient location was is number of popular hotels (Wf bobman).
This is a great Bar .Friendly and usually a lot of people. Price are reasonable .I travel all over Asia and this is one of my favorite places to be
Apocalypse is great,a landmark of SaiGon.I have my best first experiences here but Apocalypse sometime does not appreciate the old customer like me. I should be automatic VIP all the time but not treat me like that (sometimes). Most take care of all customer and especially ones come here long time. (Curtis Norris)
The price are pretty good . I like the music , a lot of music that was popular in the USA 1970/1980 .It is a nice place to append a couple of hours when you are in HoChiMinh City, the waiter staff is very good and the club is in a convenient location was is number of popular hotels (Wf bobman)
Love the staff and security here.Paticularly the food (sausage and pork ribs) .Wish Apo will not discriminate again local by charging cover the music is great and atmosphere is fun
Apo ! the place that never lets us down .Always great music, and great drink and amazing managerment .We love Minh ! We love Tom
Your place is very friendly to anywhere who comes ,staff is nice . Decoration is very nice ,like the melody music ,enjoy is place
I’ve been going to Apo everytime i am in hcm, at first just some times because i didn’t like it specially, the music was too old. But now, these last times i was here in hcm, every night i come to Apo, the music offer has improved a lot with the new young djs and even the resident dj is playing some electro some times. The staff is always gentle and take care of you, one night i had just arrived, i ordered a bottle at the bar and after a while went to speak to a friend at the other end of the bar and when i asked the waiter to take my bottle of vodka over, the bottle had disappeared, he said, keep quite, we’ll find out and after a while showed me 2 guys who were drinking out of my bottle on the terrace and i got a new bottle back. So when people write here they are having trouble with the staff they are these kind of people looking for trouble. I especially love the sunday nights, not too many people but great looking local girls, great electro music the last times i was here, i really spent some great nights dancing with everykind of people.
been to Saigon late Oct. 2013, more than a year since I last been to Apocalypse Now.
– I really like the remodeling they did, DJ booth and dancefloor on the other side of the main room and that makes way more sense
– music is finally acceptable to good, before it was really lousy old stuff
– still the same mix in customers
– mainly working girls during the week, but great selection
– some waiters are really nice and deliver great service – if so, tip accordingly and tell them why
– majority of waiters were a bit pushy
– always count your change first! .. and tip then. It happened to me a couple times they “accidentally forgot” to hand me a good part of the change, up to 500.000 VND !!
Just be aware of this, and this happens quite frequently in the eating area where it’s even darker
Overall experience: if you are cautious it’s a top location during the week, for Saigon that is.
Note: I for one don’t like the backpacker area – it’s getting more and more strange there, regarding patrons as well as venues and local workforce